3. Technical data
Calibre 7.62 x 51 mm (.308 win.) 
Overall length,of rifle 989 mm (40")
Barrel length 479 mm (19.9")
Rifling pitch 305 mm (12")
Number of rifling grooves 4
Rifle with hand rest cap 4330 g (9lbs 10oz)
Rifle with bipod 4520 g (10lbs loz)
Empty steel magazine for
- 5 rounds 160 g (5.5oz)
- 10 rounds 210 g (7.5oz)
- 20 rounds 300 g (10.5oz)
Sling, complete 120 g (4oz)
Telescopic sight with mount 630 g (11lbs 6.5oz)
Ballistic data (average)
Muzzle velocity 790m/sec
2600 ft/sec
Muzzle Energy 300 m/kg
2170 ft/lbs
Shoulder recoil .85 m/kg
5 ft/lb
Sight base (rear sight - front sight) 540 mm (21")
Rear sight (aperture type)
- with range adjustment 100-600 m 
- graduated for every 100 m
109 yds
Front Sight lateral adjustment + 2 o/oo
Front sight elevation adjustment + 2 o/oo
Telescopic sight:
-Magnification 4 x
- Scope diameter 25mm (1")
Visible field at 100m 12 m (13 yds)
Lateral adjustment + 14 o/oo
Elevation adjustment + 23 o/oo

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